Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Silkwood State School will offer five weeks of swimming lessons in term 2, on Fridays. We will travel by bus to the Tully Swimming Pool with travel and entry costs again covered by the school and P&C. Lessons will be conducted by qualified staff and parent volunteers.
Lesson dates are:
October 18th, October 25th, November 1st, November 8th, November 15th.
Students should come to school in uniform and will get dressed ready to swim before boarding bus. Swim attire includes togs, sun shirt or top and thongs. Thongs may be worn all day on swimming days. On the bus trip students need to take a plastic bag with towel, underwear and school uniform to the pool and will change after their lesson. Wet swimmers and towel will come back in this plastic bag.
School will provide standard sunblock .